Kids Ministry | Team Member Application

Please fill out this form in its entirety and click submit.
Contact Information

Areas of Interest

Please select all that apply.
•  Hold babies, helping them to feel calm and secure during services.
•  Interact with toddlers with age-appropriate games, toys, and crafts.
Please select all that apply.
•  Guide children through the Bible lesson that is provided each week.
•  Engage with the kids in activities and games as they relate to the Bible lesson, memory verse, and prayer.
Please select all that apply.
•  Attend adult worship with the kids.
•  Engage and challenge the children through the Bible lesson provided each week in activities, games, memory verse, and prayer. 
Please select all that apply.
•  Attend adult worship with the kids.
•  Engage and challenge the children through the Bible lesson provided each week in activities, games, memory verse, and prayer. 
•  Adapt to an older age group.
Spiritual Background

Experience with Kids

Reference Information

Reference #1
Reference #2
General Information

Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Background Check Information

After submitting this application, you will receive an email requesting authorization for a background check. This will be required before you begin serving as a volunteer on the Kids Ministry team.


Please fill out this form in its entirety and click submit.